Meta description

What is meta description in SEO?

A page’s summary can often be found in the HTML element known as “meta description.” Meta description tags provide users with an overview of the page’s content and how it’s related to their search query; they are shown as part of the search snippet in a SERP.

To better educate and engage site visitors, meta-description tags provide concise but informative summaries of the content on each page. They operate as a sales pitch, convincing readers that this page will answer all their questions. The length of a meta description is not restricted. However, it may be shortened in search engine results (usually to suit the width of a mobile device).

In the page’s source code, you’ll presumably see a meta description element that reads something like this:

<meta name=" description" content=" Meta descriptions could have a surprisingly enormous effect on your search marketing campaigns; uncover how…"/>
<meta name=" keywords" content=" meta description, google meta description, meta name description"/>
<meta name=”robots” content=”index,follow” />

The search engine results page (SERP) snippet is the little text next to the search results when a user enters a query your website ranks for. A meta description is a quick summary of your site’s content that appears in search engine results.

Why is meta description important for SEO?

Historically, the meta-description element has been abused by using too many keywords. Because of this, Google adjusted its algorithm. Since then, the description tag has stopped being a ranking factor. However, the description tag influences a website’s click-through rate and traffic since it signals to the user what the website’s content is about, increasing the likelihood that the user would click on the URL if the material interests them.

To paraphrase Google, your meta description is “organic ad text.”

This implies that the meta description will summarize the page when your ad ranks for a certain term in Google and other search engines.

Because of this, the meta description is just as crucial as the actual advertisement content.

A better meta description may expand the number of individuals who click on your organic search results. Consequently, more visitors who notice your page in search results will visit it. You’ll still get more visitors even if your rank doesn’t change.

Meta descriptions, like title tags, are very important, and not only because they affect a page’s placement in Google’s search results. The webmaster has a fantastic chance to promote the site’s name and quality in this space. Web admins may save money on outdoor advertising and increase their impact if they can understand their customers’ mental states and respond accordingly.

With a well-written meta description and clear emphasis on the site’s core subject, consumers will likely click on the link in search engine results, social media adverts, and elsewhere online. A well-optimized meta description also boosts user engagement with the page’s content and leads to more clicks from the SERP.

What is the optimal length for a meta description?

Keep your meta descriptions between 150 and 160 characters long since this is the sweet spot most experts recommend.

However, Google often makes modifications without warning to the maximum lengths for meta descriptions, so you should rely on something other than these recommendations.

You can use up to 300 characters for your SEO meta description. The words in the “tail” of the description, which appear below the fold in search engine results, may have the same impact as the Title tag.

The suggested meta description character length enables you to incorporate the most important information in the description, such as the product or service itself, the brand behind it, the topic of your website, the pricing, and a call to action or other selling data.

Best practices to write a meta description

Google recommends including the focus of the page in the meta description. Search engines use meta-descriptions to determine the relative importance of search results.

Meta descriptions should be seen as an advertisement for your website. Make sure it correctly represents the page’s contents and that you explain why it will be useful to the reader. A reader is unlikely to stick around if they don’t get what they were expecting from the meta description.

Below are some tips on how to build a fantastic meta description.

1. Prioritize the most crucial details

Each meta description needs to explain the page’s content and value briefly. Put the most important phrases and keywords at the top of the page if it’s about a certain product, brand, or issue.

Provide a workable answer to the problem.

Give your readers the answer they’re seeking to their problem. If your blog article is a compilation of useful CRM software, you should tell your visitors how many programs are included and why they should care.

2. Repeated editing is recommended.

A second and third go-through will reveal even more efficient methods to pack features, information, and value. It would help if you weren’t reluctant to update older meta descriptions. (Remember that revised meta descriptions don’t instantly alter on the results page – bots must crawl your website again to pick up the change.

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Black hat SEO Meta Description
Bounce Rate Meta Tags
Breadcrumb Navigation No follow Link
Canonical Tag Offpage SEO
Content Hub On Page SEO
Core algorithm updates Orphan Pages
Core Algorithm Updates Page Title
Core Web Vitals PageRank
Crawl Budget Robots.txt
CTR Schema Markup
Do Follow Link Search Engine
Domain rating Search intent
Duplicate page Search volume
External Links SERP
Google Knowledge Graph Sitemap
Google Knowledge Panel Technical SEO
Google Search Console Topic Authority
Google Search Console URL Canonicalization
Google Webmaster Guidelines Web crawler
  Website traffic