Keyword Difficulty

What is Keyword difficulty?

The keyword difficulty metric measures how tough it is to rank for a certain keyword in search engine results pages (SERPs). Essentially, it considers elements such as the amount of competition, the quantity of backlinks, and the quality of content connected to that term. The keyword difficulty score indicates how challenging it is to rank for that specific term. It is a crucial consideration when creating a keyword strategy for SEO reasons.

Is High keyword Difficulty good or bad?

The importance of high keyword difficulty depends on your unique scenario. Targeting high-difficulty keywords is usually not a smart idea for a new website with a limited budget. Ranking for these keywords will take a lot of work and effort, and you may not see results for a long time.

However, if you already have a well-established website with a significant volume of visitors, targeting high-difficulty keywords might be an excellent strategy to increase traffic. You must develop high-quality content that is related to the term and ranks highly in Google’s search results.

Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of targeting tough keywords:


1. Increased traffic potential: If you rank for a challenging term, you will be able to drive a large amount of visitors to your website.

2. Increased brand awareness: Ranking for challenging keywords might boost your website’s brand recognition.

3. More backlinks: When you rank for difficult-to-find keywords, you are more likely to obtain backlinks from other websites. This may assist to increase the authority and ranking of your website in Google’s search results.


1. Time-consuming: Ranking for complex keywords might take a long time.

2. Expensive: To rank for challenging keywords, you may need to pay in SEO services or other marketing tactics.

3. Competitive: High-difficulty keywords will face stiff competition.

It is ultimately up to you whether or not to target high-difficulty keywords. Targeting high-difficulty keywords may be an excellent method to draw more visitors and enhance your website’s rating in Google’s search results provided you are ready to put in the time and effort.

How to measure Keyword difficulty?

The difficulty of ranking for a certain term in search engine results pages (SERPs) is measured by keyword difficulty. It is usually scaled from 0 to 100, with 0 being the simplest and 100 being the most difficult.

A variety of variables may lead to keyword difficulty, including:

1. The quantity and quality of backlinks pointing to the sites presently ranking for the keyword.

2. The keyword’s search volume.

3. The competition from other websites focusing on the term.

4. The keyword’s relevancy to the content of your website.

A variety of techniques are available to quantify keyword difficulty. Among the most common tools are:

    • SEMrush 
    • Moz 
    • KWFinder 
    • Long Tail Pro 
    • Ahrefs

To determine keyword difficulty, these tools often consider a number of parameters, such as the amount of backlinks, search traffic, and competition from other websites.

It is critical to understand that keyword difficulty is not a precise science. The difficulty of ranking for a term varies based on a variety of variables, including changes to Google’s algorithm. Keyword difficulty, on the other hand, might be a useful tool for identifying whether keywords are worth pursuing for your website.

Here are some pointers for determining keyword difficulty:

1. Use a number of methods to determine keyword difficulty more accurately.

2. When making your selection, consider the keyword’s search volume.

3. Choose keywords that are related to the content of your website.

4. Be willing to put in the effort required to rank for challenging keywords.

When designing your SEO strategy, keyword difficulty is an essential thing to consider. You may make better educated selections about which keywords to target if you understand the difficulty of ranking for various phrases.

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