Website Traffic

What is website traffic in a real estate website?

Website traffic in a real estate website refers to the visitors coming to a real estate website. It represents the activity and engagement the website receives from individuals interested in real estate-related information, listings, services, or resources. Web traffic is measured in visits, also known as “sessions,” and is a common metric for gauging the success of an online business in attracting an audience.

When a page receives a visitor (referred to as a ‘hit’), the server monitors the activity and logs it. A ‘session’ is a single visit to a website, which may entail viewing multiple pages and performing actions. 

Why is website traffic important?

There are several reasons why website traffic is important, some of which include:

1. Promote More Views On Your Website

Boosting your website’s traffic has several positive effects on your SEO (search engine optimization) efforts. The higher your website’s PageRank (PR) on search engines such as Google & Yahoo!, the more visitors it will attract. Organic search results are a great way to get free traffic to your website since you don’t have to pay each time someone clicks on your link from the SERP.

2. Returning Customers

Invest time and effort into developing a positive brand identity that people will associate with your firm. Keep in mind that regulars are crucial, too. Customers are more feasible to adhere to brands they are already familiar with. Very few individuals will click on a search result and immediately purchase it. They are likely to rely on standard methods. Keep those loyal consumers in the know by updating them on new items.

3. Organic Search Results

Websites benefit most from organic or “natural” forms of traffic. Having a solid offering and targeting Internet users likely to be interested in that offering generates targeted website traffic.

How to increase website traffic to your real estate website

Here are some easy ways to get targeted visitors to your website:

1. Content Development

The phrase “content is king” is often used in marketing and couldn’t be more accurate. The success of your social media and email marketing campaigns (which may increase site visitors) hinges on the quality of the material you provide. Start a blog for your website immediately if you haven’t already. Blogging’s combination of visibility in search engines and shareability on social media makes it a potent marketing tool. 

2. Think like a consumer

If you want to attract today’s tech-savvy consumers, your website has to be more than just an advertisement and more like an experience. Your website’s layout and functionality should be geared at attracting and converting customers. You owe it to the consumer to satisfy their needs. Up to six times as many inquiries, leads, and money may be produced from a user-focused website.

Focus on what would convince purchasers and renters to use your website. If you expect potential buyers to perform some preliminary research on the web, you should provide them with sufficient data to stimulate their interest in your listings.

Listings with high-resolution photos and detailed descriptions will be taken more seriously.

Ensure your website has the newest and best features, such as map searches, picture galleries, and virtual property tours, if these things enhance the user experience.

3. Social Media Uploading

The social media platforms Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are excellent marketing tools for attracting natural visitors to a real estate website. Make a Facebook Business Page for your real estate company if you haven’t already.

Publish statistics such as likes, shares, clicks, feedback, and more can all be monitored from a company page. 

4. Create an online tour

Customers are appreciative of well-designed digital experiences in today’s increasingly digital environment. Buyers and renters who are unable to see a property personally may still decide after viewing a video of the home and its surroundings. Include yourself in the video as you show off the property, adding a personal touch to the virtual tour.

By showing some humanity, you’ll earn the confidence of your leads. Share your films on social media to reach a wider audience.

Also, make sure the movies are prominently displayed on your website. If you can get a visitor to watch a short video on your site, you can keep them there for far longer than the three seconds it would take them to read a headline.

How to measure organic site traffic?

If you want to know how much traffic you get from organic search results, you can use Google’s free analytics tools to perform the math. You may deduce the quality of your blog posts, social media updates, and keyword research from the audience overview part of your Google Search Console, which reveals how highly ranked your organic search results and organic traffic are.

The most important indicators to monitor are:

1. Provide a general overview of the traffic situation.

First, using your analytics tool (I recommend Google Analytics since you may as well collect the data from the source), compile an overview of all the traffic that has come to your site at a particular time, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), direct, branded, and so on.

The total of people who have visited your site is shown below. Google Analytics performs a great job segmenting traffic by origin, revealing which channels are most effective in driving people to your site.

2. Eliminate branded keywords

The SEO traffic report in Google Analytics, at least, includes a summary of the top 500 keywords people used to locate your site. This information may be transferred to a Microsoft Excel file and sorted in a keyword index.

You must eliminate all the brand names if you want to know how much of your traffic comes from organic search engine results.

Pure SEO traffic originates from non-branded terms that attract users who have never heard of/interacted with your site. Yet, SEO is still useful for building your online brand and introducing it to new audiences.

3. Know your internal SEO numbers

When you’re done with your investigation, the keywords and figures you’re left with are your organic SEO traffic metrics. You could measure the success of your SEO by comparing these metrics with those for the same period last year before you began your campaign.

The comparison of your keyword lists is just as important as the growth rate itself.

What new keywords (either those not explicitly addressed on the site or their long-tail versions) are emerging compared to the previous year’s data? Your search engine optimization efforts will pay off with every new term that leads to a visitor.

Related SEO glossary terms
301 Redirects Guest Blogging
302-redirect H1 tags
404-page Impressions Ranking Positions
Alt tag Indexing
Anchor text Keyword Clustering
Backlinks Keyword Difficulty
Black hat SEO Meta Description
Bounce Rate Meta Tags
Breadcrumb Navigation No follow Link
Canonical Tag Offpage SEO
Content Hub On Page SEO
Core algorithm updates Orphan Pages
Core Algorithm Updates Page Title
Core Web Vitals PageRank
Crawl Budget Robots.txt
CTR Schema Markup
Do Follow Link Search Engine
Domain rating Search intent
Duplicate page Search volume
External Links SERP
Google Knowledge Graph Sitemap
Google Knowledge Panel Technical SEO
Google Search Console Topic Authority
Google Search Console URL Canonicalization
Google Webmaster Guidelines Web crawler
  Website traffic